
Analyzing and Visualizing North Carolina Public Animal Shelter Euthanasia Rates
November 2020

A screenshot of a Choropleth map displaying North Carolina public animal shelter euthanasia rates by county. Rates are represented from yellow (lowest) to red (highest). Counties with no data are grey.
A screenshot of a Choropleth map displaying North Carolina public animal shelter euthanasia rates
  • Description: A map visualizing 2019 euthanasia rates for public animal shelters in North Carolina created for INLS 490-178: Programming for Data Analysis
  • Role: Creator
  • Skills used: Python, Jupyter Notebooks, JSON, Markdown

#HemingwayLife: The Man and the Brand
September 2020

A screenshot of the #HemingwayLife digital exhibit site, formatted like an Instagram page. The exhibit explored Hemingway as one of the first influencers.
A screenshot of the #HemingwayLife digital exhibit site
  • Description: A digital exhibit that explores Hemingway as an early influencer through objects in his Idaho home created during the Community Library Hemingway in Idaho Research Fellows program
  • Role: Creator (with web design support from Greyhound Design)
  • Skills used: Omeka, WordPress, Research

PhotochemCAD Spectra Viewers
September 2020

A screenshot of the Common Compounds Spectra Viewer on the PhotochemCAD site, displaying a graph of compound spectra by normalization on the Y axis and wavelength on the X axis.
A screenshot of the Common Compounds Spectra Viewer on the PhotochemCAD site
  • Description: Visualizers for absorption and emissions spectra of chemical compounds in the PhotochemCAD database
  • Role: Creator
  • Skills used: Data management, Tableau, HTML/CSS, Code for Chapel Hill
March 2020

Screenshot of NC COVID Community Support Project showing the map of resources, and a search bar on the side that could be used to navigate the map.
A screenshot of the NC COVID Support site
  • Description: An interactive web-based application guiding community members to available support resources including free meals, drive-up grocery shopping, prescription delivery, etc.
  • Role: Data Management Lead
  • Duties: Created and maintained the project metadata dictionary. Created and maintained project documentation. Contributed to data structuring, entry, and normalization.
  • Skills used: data wrangling, research, Excel, GitHub, Markdown